Loading warning lights...
By lightswarning | November 10, 2020 | | 0 Comments
A speedometer with a car and arrow hovering above it would suggest that there is a problem with your radar cruise control system in your Mazda.
If the light remains on even after switching the car off seek help from a Mazda dealership.
Welcome to WarningLights.co, where we strive to explain all of the warning lights you might see in your car.
We keep track of over 400 models across over 30 different brands of automobiles.
You may know these as dashboard symbols or warning symbols but they all do the same thing – inform the driver about the health of the car.
Some are nothing to worry about (such as the turn signal) but some can be pretty serious (such as an ABS fault).
This site is totally free to use and to get started you can search for your manufacturer in this list.